This website showcases past and ongoing projects that cater to collaborative FSL teacher learning and professional well-being. I believe that supporting teachers in developing strong professional identities is an essential part of addressing the ongoing FSL teacher shortage crisis in Canada.
Explore the different projects below.
A critical re-imagining of FSL teacher learning and professional identities
FSL teachers learn in creative multifaceted ways.
Check out their stories in this podcast.

Arts as a means to understand and develop FSL teacher professional identity construction
See how FSL teachers negotiate and (re)/(de)construct their professional identities by creating artworks, such as paintings, collages, poems, and more...
Developing lifelong critical reflexive practice
Learning logs are a great way for FSL teachers to take control of their own learning needs. Check out this framework for FSL teacher learning.
#FSLDisrupt Book Club
Teachers need collaborative professional learning communities to negotiate new facets of their professional identities, such as anti-racist, anti-oppressive, and culturally-responsive practice.

About me
My teacher, researcher and artist identities intersect and shape my approach to second language pedagogy and research.

Get in touch.
Do you have a question? Something to share? I want to hear from you! Écrivez-moi.